Monday, April 20, 2015

New Star Wars Trailer Still Hasn't Awakened Me

I'm sure by now you've all seen the second Star Wars: The Force Awakens teaser trailer that debuted last week. I've been on the fence about this film ever since it was announced a few years back. The first trailer sure didn't help persuade me. Now having seen the second a few times over the weekend, I'm still not ready to commit.

I liked the Luke voiceover, the image of Vader's charred helmet and the natural, un-CGI look of the film. I was excited when I heard my favorite smuggler's voice, but a little let down at the image of a 70-year-old Han Solo. And what's with Chewie? He looked like a distant relative, a second cousin perhaps, not the Wookie I remember from the original trilogy. (Granted, it's 30 years later, but still.)

The simple fact is I don't care about any of these new "central" characters they keep showing us. Mainly because we know nothing about them. Give us some glint of where they fit in, something to give us hope going forward. I mean it's a sequel to Jedi, we want to see those familiar, iconic characters, their offsprings, etc. Instead we get scavengers and unmasked Stormtroopers. Are these images really supposed to get us excited?

Look, I'm first-generation Star Wars, I'm going to see this thing regardless. But I want to look forward to December, not dread it. I want to know it's going to being something special for all fans, not just the kids looking for another Clone Wars or Rebels.

My guess is the official, full-length trailer will hit in September. Let's hope it finally reveals a Christmas present every fan can't wait to open.